There are a number of things that you can do with ScrapeBox that many people don’t know about & aren’t doing.  Things that will lead to more approved comments, better backlinks to your site from higher quality sites, less work and better results, and a whole host of other things.

In this post, I’m going to go over five things:
You’ll find out the BEST thing you can do with ScrapeBox that you’ve probably never done & that you absolutely SHOULD be doing (gets you far better backlinks from higher quality sites)
  • How to link to many URLs in one blast with specific anchor text for each individual URL
  • How to use tokens in your comments for higher approval rates and/or better “backlink juice” for your sites
  • The newest & easiest way to remove duplicate domains/urls from your harvested URLs
  • How to find more blogs that have FAR fewer outbound links & higher autoapprove rates
  • The BEST thing you can do with ScrapeBox that you’ve probably never done & that you absolutely SHOULD be doing (gets you far better backlinks from higher quality sites)…You’ll have to be at least a free member of this site, and logged in, to read this part of the post.  You can sign up free here, and log into the site here.
How to Link to Many URLs/Domains in One Single ScrapeBox Blast:
You can link to as many different URLs as you want in a single blast, and have ScrapeBox use specific anchor text meant for each url.  For instance, you can have these two urls in your “websites to link to” file:
and have it only use the anchor text “buy apples here” for and have it only use the anchor text “buy oranges here” for  Now, if you didn’t already know that, can you imagine how much of a time saver that is?  You can deep link to every URL on your site in ONE single blast, and have it use the appropriate anchor text for each specific URL, or even link to as many different root domains as you want in a single blast, and have it only use the appropriate anchor text for each one!  What would have taken multiple blasts, can now all be done in one single one!
This is very easy to do, and here is how to you do it.  Open up the “websites to link to file” where you would normally have all the URLs you’re looking to get backlinks for stored, each on a separate line.  All you have to do, is add this at the end of each URL:  {your anchor|another anchor|yet another anchor}  for example:
  •{Buy Apples|Wholesale Apples|Buy Apples Here|Get Apples}
  •{Buy Oranges|Wholesale Oranges|Buy Oranges Here|Get Oranges}
If you set up your “websites” file just like I’ve shown you above, ScrapeBox will automatically override whatever you’ve got in the “names” file, and instead of using that, it will randomly select an anchor from the anchor text you’ve got at the end of each url in the “websites” file.
How to Use Tokens in Your ScrapeBox Comments for Higher Approval Rates and/or Better Backlink Juice for Your Sites:
For some reason, this bit of information never got very widespread, and it is an incredibly useful bit of information.  You can have ScrapeBox use the following tokens in your ScrapeBox comment blasts:
  • %NAME% will be replaced with the users name from Names.txt (or if you have your anchors in the “websites” file, it will use a randomly selected anchor from there)
  • %EMAIL% will be replaced with the users email from Emails.txt, hyperlinked (except BE, just the email)
  • %WEBSITE% will be replaced with the users website from Websites.txt, hyperlinked (except BE, just the url)
  • %BLOGURL% will be replaced with the blog’s url you are commenting on, hyperlinked (except BE, just the url)
  • %BLOGTITLE% will be replaced with the page title of the blog you are commenting on
If you didn’t know about this, then it probably already has your the wheels in your head spinning.  You should obviously already see how this can lead to a higher approval rate on moderated blogs, as you can now make your blog comments appear more legitimate.  A comment like this for instance: “I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked %BLOGURL% at so my friends can see it too.  I simply used %BLOGTITLE% as the entry title in my bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way.“  Is going to have a higher approval rate than the standard Hey, I like your blog and have bookmarked it. because now it looks significantly more real, as you’re using what appears to be specifics in the comment.
How can you use tokens to get higher quality “backlink juice” to your site?  Simple.  We all know (and if you didn’t, you will now) that Google likes to see and gives more weight to, “in content” links…you know, links that appear within the body of a text with appropriate anchors.  You can leave two or three long paragraphs as a comment on AUTOAPPROVE blogs (basically write an article in the format you would use to submit to an article directory) and spin it.  Then, in that spun article, you can randomly sprinkle <a href=”%WEBSITE%”>%NAME%</a>, and make sure you put that in the middle of the article, in the middle of a sentence.  Now you don’t have to link to one static URL in your comment, because it will be randomly selecting one of your URLs and it’s corresponding anchor text IN THE MIDDLE of a nicely relevant “article body” type comment.
The Newest & Easiest Way to Remove Duplicate Domains/URLs from Your Harvested URLs When They’re Over One Million Lines:
This one, you hopefully already know about.  The creator of ScrapeBox has been kind enough to make an entirely separate application that will remove duplicates in a text file (capable of removing both duplicate domains and duplicate URLs separately) and has actually given it away for free WHETHER YOU OWN SCRAPEBOX OR NOT!  You can download this incredible app here, completely for free, whether you already own scrapebox or not.
It will not only remove duplicate domains and/or URLs QUICKLY & EASILY, but it will also handle all the merging of multiple text files as well.  If you don’t already have it, you HAVE to get it if you plan on doing any serious work with ScrapeBox and .txt files that are HUGE and over a million lines in length.
How to Find More Blogs that Have FAR Fewer Outbound Links & Higher AutoApprove Rates:
This is really solid information I’m about to share with you.  If you’re only harvesting WordPress URLs by inputting your keywords, and then selecting the “WordPress” radio button in the ScrapeBox harvestor, you’re not only doing the same thing everybody else is doing, but you’re missing out on some of the easiest to comment on, highest autoapprove rate & lowest outbound link URLs there are on web to take advantage of.  Why?  Because the footprint ScrapeBox uses to harvest URLs that have comments open, has NOTHING to do with “powered by wordpress”.  I alluded to what I’m going to go over here, in another post of mine about footprints.  I won’t say specifically what the footprint that ScrapeBox uses is, but I will say this:  It WON’T harvest URLs on blog posts that have comments open, if they have modified (in any way) what the field names are of where you input your name, email and website to link to and the “submit comment” button.
For instance, ScrapeBox will NEVER harvest a single URL from my website if you’re using the inbuilt “Harvest WordPress” radio button feature that is in ScrapeBox.  You absolutely MUST start using your own footprints.  The typical autoapprove rate on URLs that scrapebox can successfully submit a comment to that have been harvested using the inbuilt WordPress footprint, is roughly 0.8%.  That means for every 125 successfully submitted comments, you’ll get 1 autoapprove URL/domain.  Do you want to know what the typical autoapprove rate for comments is on URLs that it can successfully submit a comment to when you’ve made a custom footprint?  2.8 – 3.3%!!  That is three to four times the rate of autoapprove URLs!!
It gets even better though! When you start finding these “hidden” autoapprove URLs, you’ll find that the outbound link rate drops to the single and double digits!  Yes, we’re talking URLs that have ZERO to just 15 or 20 outbound links BECAUSE NOBODY USES CUSTOM FOOTPRINTS TO HARVEST!  Specific Custom Example Footprint Shared Below.
Here We Go, What You’ve Been Waiting for…The Best Thing You Can Do with ScrapeBox That You’re Probably Not Doing and SHOULD BE: