WordAi understands and rewrites entire sentences
It’s content Spiller that understands text so well that it can completely rewrite articles so that they are not only unique but also look like they were written by human being. How is WordAi able to do this? WordAi is the first and only spinner that understands content in a same way that human does. For example putting the following sentence into the WordAi Turing spinner:
I will thank him if he gives me food.
Produces the following spintax:
{{{I will|I'll|I am going to|I shall} thank him|He will be thanked by me} if he {gives|offers} {me food|food to me}|If he {gives|offers} {me food|food to me} {{I will|I'll|I am going to|I shall} thank him|He will be thanked by me}}.
And the following unique re-write:
If he offers food to me He will be thanked by me.
The WordAi just didn’t replace synonyms, it actually read the article, it understood it and rewrote it into something completely different. It understood that ‘I’ the narrator was a person that was thanking a male person ‘him’ and that ‘I’ am only thanking him if he performs the action of ‘giving me food’.
WordAi just doesn’t view the sentence as nine words that all might have synonyms. It understands exactly what all those nine words mean and how those nine words interact with each other. That allows WordAi to not only just provide synonyms that makes sense but also automatically completely rewrite your article for you. But we’re only getting started.
If we put the following sentences into WordAi and click the ‘spin now’ button.
- I bought milk, eggs, and apples today.
- Last night I slept well, and felt great the next day.
A couple of seconds later WordAi produces the following spintax:
{I bought {{milk, eggs, and apples|apples, eggs, and milk}|eggs, milk, and apples} today|Today I bought {{milk, eggs, and apples|apples, eggs, and milk}|eggs, milk, and apples}}.
{Last night|Yesterday} I {slept|rested} well, and felt {great|fantastic} {the next day|the following day}.
And the following unique re-write:
- Today I bought eggs, milk, and apples.
- Yesterday I slept well, and felt fantastic the following day.
For the first sentence WordAi moves the word ‘today’ from the end to the start of the sentence which makes perfect sense. WordAi also recognised that ‘milk’, ‘eggs’ and‘apples’ were all a list of things I was buying and so changed around the order of those words automatically. However in the second sentence although there is an ‘and’ it doesn’t make any sense to switch around the order of those words as ‘feeling great’ happened after ‘I slept well’. Switching those would mess up the flow of the sentence and WordAi knows this and leaves the sentence alone.
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Intelligent word spinning
Of course the WordAi can do synonyms spinning as well. Compared to rewriting entire sentences giving the correct synonym is easy.
Here are three examples sentences and as you can see the word ‘suspect’ means something completely different in each of them.
- The suspect was found guilty.
- He looked rather suspect to me.
- I suspect he did it.
In the first sentence suspect means somebody who’s been accused of a crime. In the second sentence it means suspicious and in the third sentence to think it is the case. If the spin now button and WordAi spins all three of those words using only synonyms which make complete sense for each of those three different definitions.
Here’s the spyntax:
The {suspect|defendant} was found guilty.
He {looked|appeared|seemed} {rather|somewhat}{suspect|funny|questionable|suspicious} to me.
I {suspect|guess|imagine|suppose} he did it.
And the unique re-write:
- The defendant was found guilty.
- He appeared rather questionable to me.
- I suppose he did it.
All three use different definitions of the word ‘suspect’ and all three make perfect sense. But knowing the right definition for a word is not enough. For instance in the following two sentences they both have the same definition of the word ‘sense’. In both cases it means the way the external world is perceived. However despite those words having the same meaning the one case it makes sense to have a synonym any other it doesn’t.
- My sense of time was a bit off.
- I have realised that people sometimes make no sense.
Here is the produced spyntax:
My {sense|perception|awareness} of time was a {bit|little} off.
I have realised that {people|individuals} sometimes make no sense.
Other spinners may understand the meaning of the word but WordAi’s intelligence goes far beyond that. Like a human it understands that ‘make no perception’ makes no sense so it doesn’t spin that word however ‘My perception of time’ makes complete sense so the word is spun.
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WordAi goes far beyond the meaning of the word, it actually understands the context surrounding each word giving you a higher quality and more readable spin. Add this to it’s unique sentence spinning ability and you have a article rewriter/spinner which is years ahead of every other auto content generator available.
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