Is having two spinners/content rewriters a bit overkill? No, because these two work in very different ways and they complement each other really well. Here I will tell you a couple of ways I use  WordAi and Chimp Rewriter to easily produce unique and readable content in minutes.


We start with the WordAi which is by far the best auto spinner/rewriter available, see my review of it here. To summarise it has the unique ability to rewrite sentences by understanding their structure and understand the meaning and context of words by looking at the words surrounding them.
WordAi however is very limited when it comes to altering the spintax by hand, this is where Chimp Rewriter comes in. Spinning and already published article in Word AI and expecting it to be readable and unique is still one step too far currently. What I like to do is to use WordAi to sentence spin and spin words on a readable level then use Chimp Rewriter to add uniqueness by using some of its very useful tools.

Try WordAi Free For 3 Days

chimp rewriterChimp Rewriter Pro

Formerly called SpinChimp the developers have recently upgraded the software to version 2, they have re-built it from the ground up and given it a new name: Chimp Rewriter. Version 1 was considered one of the best spinners on the market, with the new version they have added an incredible amount of new features which makes creating deeply nested spintax and unique content the breeze. If you need to quickly spin text by hand, create super-spun lists of tips (one of my favourite methods), spin list, sentences and paragraphs into different orders at the touch of a button you need Chimp Rewriter. It has a host of other features (literally too many to mention here) which cannot be found in other popular more expensive spinners.
There is a free version available too if you would like to try it but its does not include a lot of the features of “pro”. One thing Chimp Rewriter can’t do is sentence spinning on autopilot (it’s great for spinning sentences by hand but this takes time) but for that we use WordAi.

Creating Unique Tip Lists In Minutes

  1. Spend a few minutes scraping a many tips as you can regarding your keyword/niche from as many different websites as possible.
  2. Paste them all into a text file and format them so there is one tip paragraph. The more tips the better – get over 100 if you can.
  3. Paste all of these tips into word AI and spin on one of their readable settings
    Take the resulting spin tax and paste it Chimp Rewriter.
  4. Select all of the text and click the “Tip Creator” tool.
  5. Select the number of tips per article you would like. (I recommend to check the randomize tip ordering)
  6. Click “Create Tips”
  7. Chimp Rewriter takes all of the spun tips and spins them so you get a random selection of tips per spin.
The tips are (hopefully) from many different sources so they are unlikely to appear on the same page anywhere else (adding to the uniqueness of the article) and they are are only lightly spun with WordAi so are perfectly readable.

Using Word AI and Chimp Rewriter For Regular Articles

  1. Take a keyword and scrape a bunch of articles from different sources. These articles all have to be on the same theme and subject and the more recently they were published on the web the better.
  2. Take the first paragraph of all the articles and paste them into Word AI and spend them on readable level.
  3. Paste resulting syntax into chimp rewriter and spin all the paragraphs together on the same line. This will be the first paragraph of your article.
  4. Take all the other paragraphs paste into word AI and spin are readable level.
  5. Paste all the spin text into chimp rewriter.
  6. Use the tools available to spin similar paragraphs together.
  7. Use the spin reorder tool to err…reorder the paragraphs.
  8. Click spin view and select the Jets spin profile – copy all of this to you clipboard.
  9. Add it so it follows the first paragraph (there will be a lot of it due to the paragraph reordering).
What you have now is a very unique but readable article suitable for tier 1 links but which can be submitted hundreds of times safely.
There are many other methods of creating readable and unique content using these two tools but these are two of  my favourites. I hope to post some more at a later date.